Add your resource
To add your resouce to our directory you would need to first link to our web site using following code.
Coin Collecting - Coin collecting values at professional Coin Collecting. Visit My Coin Collecting for coin collecting Old coins, coin collecting Rare Coins, coin collecting Coin Values, coin collecting Old Coin Values.
You can copy and paste the code below:
You may change the formatting of our listing and make it shorter, but the title should remain the same.
Please read following before submitting your site to our link directory. Not all submissions are accepted.
Please consider following before adding your site:
- limit each links page to 100 links.
- have our link under the same domain name as the web site that you added
- make it possible to navigate to your links from the web site that you added (so that it is possible for visitors and us to find our link.
- link to www.mycoincollecting.com with a simple link without
any scripts