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Coin Collecting Directory

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Coin Collecting - Coin collecting values at professional Coin Collecting. Visit My Coin Collecting for coin collecting Old coins, coin collecting Rare Coins, coin collecting Coin Values, coin collecting Old Coin Values.

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Site Description

Coin Collecting Resource
Coin collectors stand to benefit from discontinuing the Lincoln penny
You can find them almost anywhere, but there may come a day when the Lincoln penny is no more. Earlier this month, President Trump asked the U.S. Treasury Department to stop producing pennies — ... more info

Coin Collectors Buzz with Excitement as Trump Announces Intent to End Penny Production
President Trump announced intentions to stop producing pennies, sparking excitement in the coin collecting community. more info

A penny for their thoughts: Americans say ‘time to move on’ from the coin
For many, pennies stand as an enduring reminder of youth – a time when one cent was enough to buy a piece of candy, each new year marked a fresh chance to add a new Lincoln-faced coin to their ... more info