Coin Glossary

You can find most popular coin collecting phrases in this coin glossary.

Coin Glossary


incuse - the part of a coin's design that is pressed into the surface. Opposite of relief. Example: the $2 1/2 and $5 Indian US gold coins are incuse design. Rather than the design being raised up off of the surface of the coin, it is pressed into the metal. See "reeded edge" and "lettered edge" ingot - see "bars"

Ike dollar - see Eisenhower dollar

inscription - the words stamped (written) on a coin

intrinsic value - the value of the precious metal that a coin is made of. Often called "bullion value".  Not to be confused with "face value".

investment grade - used to indicate a high grade of coin that might make a good investment.

Coin Collecting News
Napa Salvation Army discovers rare gold coin in one of its red kettles
The Napa Salvation Army struck gold on Saturday, discovering a rare gold coin worth thousands of dollars in one of its red kettles. more info

8 Rare Coins Worth Millions That Are Highly Coveted by Coin Collectors
The next time you decide to put all your spare change into the nearest Coinstar machine, take a moment to sift through it. You could be sitting on some extremely valuable coins that could help more info