Coin Glossary

You can find most popular coin collecting phrases in this coin glossary.

Coin Glossary


incuse - the part of a coin's design that is pressed into the surface. Opposite of relief. Example: the $2 1/2 and $5 Indian US gold coins are incuse design. Rather than the design being raised up off of the surface of the coin, it is pressed into the metal. See "reeded edge" and "lettered edge" ingot - see "bars"

Ike dollar - see Eisenhower dollar

inscription - the words stamped (written) on a coin

intrinsic value - the value of the precious metal that a coin is made of. Often called "bullion value".  Not to be confused with "face value".

investment grade - used to indicate a high grade of coin that might make a good investment.

Coin Collecting News
California Nominates Steve Jobs for $1 American Innovation Coin
California Governor Gavin Newsom this week recommended former Apple CEO Steve Jobs for the $1 American Innovation Coin for the State ... more info

Prediction: There Will Be a Meme Coin ETF in 2025, And You Will Be Tempted to Invest. Please Don't.
If you're an optimist, this is a problem that the ETF application process should solve. In theory, only the safest, most trusted, and most liquid meme coins will even be considered for an ETF. And ... more info

Cash rounding and viable $1 coin could curb issues of currency production costs | Letters
Our beloved penny has recently come under attack. Production may even be halted. The solution could be twofold. more info