A Companion to Rare Coin Collecting -
Before you run off and start your coin collection, there are a few
last words you should read.
Most truly successful collectors are involved in the field to such
a degree that they devote much of their free time improving their
knowledge of numismatics.

Happy Rare Coin Collecting
Transversely, collecting solely for investing is a tedious and difficult enterprise with no guarantee for reward (as with nearly all forms of investing).People who collect just to study price trends for financial gain never appreciate the beauty and history of rare coins, thus, deprive themselves of a rewarding experience. Because so little is sown, little shall be reaped. While interviewing for this article, one common thread was evident in nearly every collector that showed a profit from their collections; they loved collecting, they enjoyed coins, and they never seemed to get enough. That they enjoy their art so well, makes their rewards all the more richer. Happy hunting.